Current Affairs

The journey of a woman, a mother-Happy Mothers Day

The journey of a young woman merely begins when she starts a new chapter in her life as she marries into a new family. What she once knew may be lost forever. This is the case for many married women today.

Some women move towns, cities and even countries, away from their own mother and father to join a new stranger family, become a devoted wife to perhaps a man she hardly knows and bring up children all at once. Will she be welcomed? Will she fit in? Will her husband treat her well? These are just a few of the questions that are running through her mind. Somewhere inside her she has to find the courage to take on these challenges, put on a brave and happy face to hide how much she misses her old life and of course her first family. She has a new family now and children to care of. A burden of her own.  Will she be a good mother? Can she afford to bring up her children and give them everything possible? Can she be the wife, the mother and work?

Mothers are stonger

 With determination and the feeling of obligation to do well for her children she finds herself work to make a living and help her husband with the bills, educates her children to the best of her ability and affordability whilst further educating herself in order to accomplish more in her life. Yet this is not enough, there are times when she gives up food for herself so that her children and husband can eat. Does she make a big deal? No, instead, because of the tough economic times she finds another job, one which doesn’t pay exclusively well but at least gives her the satisfaction she desires.

Her body has to run like a clock, there is no time to stop. She is the first to wake, the last to sleep, care for the children and provide food for her family whilst fitting in her double work shifts. When does she get time to look after herself? Who looks after her? As her children grow up she also grows older, more tired, and more fragile.  Yet a mother never stops caring, never stops trying to fulfil the needs of her loved ones, just keeps on going.  She finds the mental, physical and emotional strength everyday to wake up and continue her everyday life, whether she is happy or sad or just exhausted.

Definition of mother

Take a step back and put yourself in your mother’s shoes. Would you be able to do what she does? Our mothers are the most powerful women in our lives, an inspiration to all females and we should not forget for a second the strength they demonstrate every single day.



Written by Anonymous


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