About CARE

Why should I choose CARE?

There are thousands of children’s charities in the world and a substantial number of them have their roots in the UK. Faced with multiple options, how does the donor decide which one is the right one to donate to? There are a number of simple but practical questions one needs to ask. Find out for yourself, how we tick all the right boxes:

Can I relate to the charity and the cause it supports?

Our objective is simple. Bettering the lives of underprivileged children, through removing the barriers to obtaining an education. We do this through partnering with local organisations to ensure a sustainble difference can be maintained.

Does the charity maintain transparency about its work at all stages?

We encourage donors to participate in our programs and visit our project sites for a first-hand experience of the work that is being done. There is constant updating of project information on our website and all of us are accountable to the donors. We are happy to keep you informed and involved at every stage of our work. Ours is an open door policy with we keep up a constant stream of communication and feedback with our donors. Join our mailing list here for regular updates.

Are the people involved, truly dedicated to the cause?

Our charity was founded and is managed by professional volunteers who give their time freely without any remuneration, fees or even expenses. There are no travel or accommodation costs reimbursed from donations. To us all children are special irrespective of sex, race, religion or creed. We are 100% committed to the children in our care for their total welfare including their health.

Does CARE have A real understanding of the problems its children face, and have the tools to offer practical help and support?

We do not believe in giving charity handouts, but in providing the skills and tools to fight poverty. We understand that it is not enough to feed them for a day or clothe them for a month. They need to be taught a trade or skill so they can lead financially independent lives. Through the development of sustainable local partnerships we ensure that the required support reaches the grassroots.

How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved such as, volunteering at our projects; being apart of the CARE Youth team or CARE Golf society or arrange your own fundraising events. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have via email on – enquiries@careducation.org or head over to Get Involved.

How can I volunteer at projects?

We can help you to arrange volunteering trips to our supported centres. If you would to volunteer at any of our projects, please head over to our Voolunteering Page for more information. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have via email on – volunteer@careducation.org.

Do I know where my money is going?

You can be assured that every pound you donate, reaches the cause. We can provide updates on every project. We also invite donors to visit the projects they support to see first hand the wonderful work that is being done because of their generosity. We work on a basis of zero administration costs. By administration costs, we mean that no member of our team is paid for their work or time. No expenses are reimbursed and we do not take any of your personal donations to cover any costs.

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