
CARE Youth raise funds through Car Boot Sales for underprivileged children

By November 2, 2012 No Comments

Car boot sale for underprivileged children

With the fabulous success of last year in mind, CARE Youth, of CAREducation Trust, had an agenda: car boot sale number three in order to raise even more money and awareness for our cause to help underprivileged children…and did we do that? Indeed we did!

The cold, dark early start; being a 2am wake up call, loading the cars at 3am, making sure we were in the queue by 4am at Haringey Borough Football Club was worth it all! Despite forgetting the posters, we were met by familiar faces who recognised us from the previous year and had several returning customers asking for a number of items and some donating generously to the charity. Before sunlight we had sold at least a quarter of our items! With the warm Thermos filled with pre-made home chai to keep us going we managed to stay awake and sell sell sell causing a stir amongst the crowds.


Car boot sale for underprivileged children

By the end of the day we had sold most of the donated items…not bad at all for the amount of stock we had (2 loaded cars worth!) We thank all those that donated their items for this CARE Boot Sale, we realise that every little really does help, and this one sale really will go a long way to help educate the underprivileged children of the world. CAREducation Trust being a 100% grass roots charity, means every penny raised on this will go directly to the cause.

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